If your afraid of being yourself, or even worse, afraid of what your employer may think of you because of being yourself then there's only one thing you're lacking of: balls (or gonads just to be gender neutral).
Business is business, friendship is friendship, personal appreciations are that: personal. If someone has to judge you crossing scopes, then they have a problem not you. I you are afraid of people judging you crossing scopes, then you still lack balls (or gonads, you got the point).
You may or may not take me seriously, 'cause I'm only and old overconfident developer, who's not afraid of saying harsh truths.
If on an unknown future you happen to see my resume, remember I told you "ball-less" and because of that you decide to reject my application, you'll have another problem (besides you know what): You can't sepparate business from personal feelings.
Nielsen once wrote "Remember you write for your future boss", but know what? someday you'll get to a point where that doesn't matter. You're what you are and that's it, everyone has to learn to deal with it.
Anyway, everyone knows their own size of shoes.